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Welcome - leadership tips and advice.

Leadership Moment of Joy 7/7/23 - Welcome & Leadership Tips

At Performance Consulting Services (PCS for short) I strive to help businesses bring joy to work through the development of leadership skills so they can thrive. This newsletter will be a resource for anyone seeking to add little more joy to their working world. Stay tuned for advice, resources, answers to common questions, and real talk about what sucks joy from work and how to get it back.

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Leadership Tips: #1 Keep developing yourself - always.

As a leader in an ever-changing business environment, you'll get a lot of advice. My goal with this newsletter is not to give you another piece of advice you will hear and forget by the end of the day but to give actionable tools and resources.

So, for my first tip: Keep developing yourself - always. As a leader, we often feel like we have to have all the answers and we can't let anyone see that we might be unsure (more on this in another post!). In reality, no leader has the answer for every situation. Continuing to learn can help you stay close to new ideas and techniques to help you get the most out of your team or employee even if you don't have all the answers.

Not everyone enjoys a classroom setting or reading books. That's ok! There are a lot of resources available to those who'd rather learn visually or by listening. Heck, I learn best by listening to audiobooks or pod casts while I do household chores. Use whatever medium works best for you.

stack of books

Here are some of my favorites:

Contagious Culture: Show Up, Set the Tone, and Intentionally Create an Organization that Thrives: Cavanaugh, Anese: 9781259584572: Books This book was the one I chose to truly kick off my personal development journey many years ago. I can't say enough about how much this book will help a newer leader or one trying to get out of a rut. Not only does it have great basic leadership concepts, but it has worksheets right in the book where you can hone your craft. Hard copy recommended here.

Dare to Lead - Brené Brown ( - Emotional Intelligence at the next level is what Brene delivers in all of her work. Dare to Lead is a great place for ways to engage yourself and your team in real, meaningful work.

Extreme Ownership by Jocko Willink, Leif Babin - Audiobook - Do you feel like you're working super hard but your team isn't? This book might help you figure out why and what to do about it. When I read this it was a game changer.

The Outward Mindset by The Arbinger Institute - Audiobook - (see also their other awesome titles) - Do you interact with those around you as people, as in real humans that have feelings and desires and passions, or do you see them as things, objects, that need to be moved or manipulated to achieve goals? Newsflash, we all act as though others are objects sometimes, this book and all of Arbinger's work will help you with all the relationships in your life, including becoming one heck of a leader.

This is just the beginning.

Personal and professional development is critical in any role, but especially true for leaders of people. I will post about twice a month, sharing new tips and inviting you to come on this journey with me to bring joy back to work.

What do you think of today's Moment of Joy or Leadership Tip? Share your thoughts below.

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